The Planning and Construction of our Current Temple and Laying of the Cornerstone
A motion was made and seconded April 26, 1962 to exercise our option to purchase the property at 85th and Oldham road subject to obtaining Grand Lodge permission. Motion carried with an 18 to 8 vote. The lodge was fortunate to have Brother Walter S. Jennings, an attorney as a member of our lodge. Brother Jennings supervised all our legal matters and made numerous trips to City Hall without remuneration getting through the paper work. Brother Jennings passed away June 6, 1971 and will be long remembered by Swope Park Lodge for a job well done. WB George Shores, WM, reported the last meeting at the recently sold Linwood location would occur the fourth Thursday, 1963. During this period, there existed within the Lodge an organization called the RAMBLER Club, no doubt the origin of the name of our newsletter. This group of Swope Park Masons sponsored a bowling team and held fund raisers for the benefit of the new temple building fund, as evidenced by the announcement of an upcoming fish fry in the September 1963 Rambler. WM Shores announced the building construction proposal had been submitted to the Grand Lodge Building Committee and permission requested to proceed. Our ground breaking ceremony was held at 4:pm October 6, 1963. Since our building at 2704 Linwood Boulevard was sold, it was necessary for the lodge to become a tenant temporarily at Northeast Masonic temple, 141 Van Brunt Blvd.
During the summer of 1964, Brother Hollis Lancaster headed a Finance Committee asking the members to fill out a pledge card and use a payment book to submit funds on a monthly, quarterly, semi-annual or annual basis over the next three years to pay for the new lodge. The lot and construction to date, consisting of the basement walls and foundation, were paid for and the committee needed to raise an additional $ 50,000 to complete the temple construction. WB Robert Nickell was Master during 1964. WB Nickell expressed hope that money would be available to complete the upper shell before moving i. September 1964, However, falling short of their goal, and desiring to avoid debt and proceed as funds were available, the building association board elected to finish the lower section and use it for the Lodge room. February, 1965, Clifford I. Carter, WM, announced dues were raised to $ 25 per year because contributions were not coming in to the building fund as anticipated. The proceeds for sale of the Linwood Blvd. property were deposited in the bank. Other officers of note in 1965, who went on to the East, were Harold Baker, SW; Vivian Gibson, JW; William Martin SD and Warder Shotwell JD. In December 1965, WM Carter announced the exterior work was complete and inside work was progressing rapidly. The seating and platforms in the East and West were in place. The side line seats were donated by Durwood Theatres thanks to the generosity of Stanley Durwood. Anyone wishing his name plaque on a seat was urged to submit a check in the amount of $ 15. Brethren who labored in and about the temple were listed and included in the archives for the corner stone as members of the Century Club. Many past and future Worshipful Masters appear on the list: Cliff Carter, Ray Hamilton, Bill McBride, Harold Baker, Vivian Gibson, Bill Martin, Bob Hamilton, Bill Gray, J.C. Taylor, George Shores, L. Verne Hosic, Herb Dickey, Homer Kunz, Otto Kunz, Walt Quimette, J. Kohler Wolfe, Wayne Quimette, Fred Harris, Al Meyers, Oren Masoner, Dean Werner, Kenneth Peck, Karl Breggs, Earl Blackman, Bill Chrietzberg, Bob Nickell, Marvin Helm, Hollis Lancaster, Jim Mitchener, Willard Mace, Alpha Duncan, Bob Robertson, Sam Gash, Ray Lingo, H. McCarthy, C.R McClasky, J,R. Smith, Jim Carter, Dick Cauthon, Frank Bunch, Joe Bowman and Warder M. Shotwell-Chief Expeditor. The installation of 1966 officers, January 8, 1966 and the Stated Convocation on January 13, 1966 were held at the Northeast Temple.
Finally, the dedication Ceremony for the new temple was announced for Thursday, January 20, 1966. Swope Park Lodge 617 AF&AM was opened in special communication for the purpose of dedicating our new temple at 8501 Oldham road. WB Harold W. Baker. Author and researcher of this lodge history was Master. The Grand Master Most Worshipful Brother Martin B. Dickenson officiated with RWB W. Hugh McLaughlin assisting. Our first stated meeting in our present temple was held on January 27, 1966. In October, 1968, WM William Martin proudly announced the mortgage was paid off and the temple debt free. The mortgage was executed December 20, 1965 in the amount of $ 25,000 with City National Bank & Trust Company. This was a ten year mortgage and was retired in less than three years. The president of the Building Association, Senior Warden Warder Shotwell announced there will be a corner stone laying ceremony November 9, 1968.
The cornerstone laying ceremony, under the direction of Most Worshipful Brother Martin B. Dickenson was held on November 9, 1968. After the cornerstone was safely secured in the Northeast corner of the Lodge building, the burning of the mortgage took place. It was surely a gala event. Afterwards, we assembled in the Lodge room where we heard an inspiring message delivered by Right Worshipful Brother Lewis C. (Wes) Cook.
Source: Harold Baker archived documents
During the summer of 1964, Brother Hollis Lancaster headed a Finance Committee asking the members to fill out a pledge card and use a payment book to submit funds on a monthly, quarterly, semi-annual or annual basis over the next three years to pay for the new lodge. The lot and construction to date, consisting of the basement walls and foundation, were paid for and the committee needed to raise an additional $ 50,000 to complete the temple construction. WB Robert Nickell was Master during 1964. WB Nickell expressed hope that money would be available to complete the upper shell before moving i. September 1964, However, falling short of their goal, and desiring to avoid debt and proceed as funds were available, the building association board elected to finish the lower section and use it for the Lodge room. February, 1965, Clifford I. Carter, WM, announced dues were raised to $ 25 per year because contributions were not coming in to the building fund as anticipated. The proceeds for sale of the Linwood Blvd. property were deposited in the bank. Other officers of note in 1965, who went on to the East, were Harold Baker, SW; Vivian Gibson, JW; William Martin SD and Warder Shotwell JD. In December 1965, WM Carter announced the exterior work was complete and inside work was progressing rapidly. The seating and platforms in the East and West were in place. The side line seats were donated by Durwood Theatres thanks to the generosity of Stanley Durwood. Anyone wishing his name plaque on a seat was urged to submit a check in the amount of $ 15. Brethren who labored in and about the temple were listed and included in the archives for the corner stone as members of the Century Club. Many past and future Worshipful Masters appear on the list: Cliff Carter, Ray Hamilton, Bill McBride, Harold Baker, Vivian Gibson, Bill Martin, Bob Hamilton, Bill Gray, J.C. Taylor, George Shores, L. Verne Hosic, Herb Dickey, Homer Kunz, Otto Kunz, Walt Quimette, J. Kohler Wolfe, Wayne Quimette, Fred Harris, Al Meyers, Oren Masoner, Dean Werner, Kenneth Peck, Karl Breggs, Earl Blackman, Bill Chrietzberg, Bob Nickell, Marvin Helm, Hollis Lancaster, Jim Mitchener, Willard Mace, Alpha Duncan, Bob Robertson, Sam Gash, Ray Lingo, H. McCarthy, C.R McClasky, J,R. Smith, Jim Carter, Dick Cauthon, Frank Bunch, Joe Bowman and Warder M. Shotwell-Chief Expeditor. The installation of 1966 officers, January 8, 1966 and the Stated Convocation on January 13, 1966 were held at the Northeast Temple.
Finally, the dedication Ceremony for the new temple was announced for Thursday, January 20, 1966. Swope Park Lodge 617 AF&AM was opened in special communication for the purpose of dedicating our new temple at 8501 Oldham road. WB Harold W. Baker. Author and researcher of this lodge history was Master. The Grand Master Most Worshipful Brother Martin B. Dickenson officiated with RWB W. Hugh McLaughlin assisting. Our first stated meeting in our present temple was held on January 27, 1966. In October, 1968, WM William Martin proudly announced the mortgage was paid off and the temple debt free. The mortgage was executed December 20, 1965 in the amount of $ 25,000 with City National Bank & Trust Company. This was a ten year mortgage and was retired in less than three years. The president of the Building Association, Senior Warden Warder Shotwell announced there will be a corner stone laying ceremony November 9, 1968.
The cornerstone laying ceremony, under the direction of Most Worshipful Brother Martin B. Dickenson was held on November 9, 1968. After the cornerstone was safely secured in the Northeast corner of the Lodge building, the burning of the mortgage took place. It was surely a gala event. Afterwards, we assembled in the Lodge room where we heard an inspiring message delivered by Right Worshipful Brother Lewis C. (Wes) Cook.
Source: Harold Baker archived documents